Thoughts, Beliefs and Mind
Can you
recall what your thoughts were after you watched a movie based on mystic powers
or supernatural beings? Recall your thoughts after you finished watching
Interstellar or Twilight or Doctor strange or Vampire Diaries. Did you not
start believing in those ideas? Those concepts of Supernatural beings or
Mystical Powers or Space-Time continuum, might not attract zilch of our
acceptability, even for a moment, in normal times but they come across as ‘truthful’
after our ‘indoctrination’ in the three hours of the movie. However, this
realization stays only for few minutes before our usual rationality dawns upon
us. What happens during these hours of ‘indoctrination’ that makes us put our
trust in to things that we otherwise consider stupid, irrational, untrue and at
times childish?
Our Mind is
a witch that changes our belief system through the spell of thoughts. You have
control over what thoughts you give to mind and these thoughts ultimately
change your belief system. So if you feel scared of some failures, if you could
not muster courage to speak before ten people, if you couldn’t push the
laziness out of your daily life, if you are not able to concentrate then only
person to be blamed for this is YOU, because YOU didn’t give mind right
thoughts to have the desired belief system.
The belief
system that i wish to bring in the discussion is not even remotely related to
religion. It is a set of intrinsic rules that our subconscious mind uses while
responding to various stimuli of life. Your resilience in the face of defeat
and your determination in the face of temptations is determined by your belief
system. It is possible to manipulate your own belief system for your benefit
and take control of your subconscious mind.
The process
to condition your belief system is a three way process:
1. Feed right kind of thoughts
We live in times when each of us is exposed to myriad of information,
ideas and thoughts. Television, mobile phones and Internet expose you to
streams of random ideas and thoughts flying in your face every moment. Make it a point that only right thoughts have access to your mind. Right thoughts metamorphoses you into a strong character.
2. Feed right thoughts on a daily basis.
Remember negative thoughts can only be elbowed out not stopped. You will
need to shove them off on a rolling basis. Best way to do this is outpace the
flow of irrelevant thoughts with thoughts that complement and supplement your endeavors
towards your goal. Read autobiographies, chronicles of struggles of achievers,
interviews of those at the top echelons. Etch these things in your daily
3. Act as soon as you have the desired
belief system.
Actions cement the belief system procreated by mind through spells of
thoughts. If your belief is not tethered to some real action, they are
vulnerable to be sidelined by other undesirable belief. Actions define whether
you fall in to a virtuous cycle or a vicious cycle.
You are who
you believe you are. You believe in what, depends on what thoughts visit your
head. We live in times when all kinds of ideas and thought literally fly around
us every moment. Internet is one such thing. It is enigmatic, addictive and
intoxicating. Whether you allow it to pander to your weaknesses and vices or
you harness its energy to strengthen your positive beliefs, is in your hand.
Stay in
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